SSO Equipment Store

Open hours

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
11:00 - 13:00


Contact us

London IT Equipment Store

Phone: 01509 222 333

Location: Loughborough University London 2nd Floor


Please note: We do not take bookings via email or phone



Terms and Conditions of loan

  • You agree to return all equipment by the agreed check-in date.
  • You have the option to renew your loan once for 5 working days. After this renewal period, you must return the equipment. Overdue equipment cannot be renewed.
  • If you return the equipment late, you agree to pay a fine (as outlined below,)
  • You agree to check equipment after checking it out, to make sure there is no damage. If any damage is found on return, you may be subject to repair charges,
  • You agree to return equipment in the exact same condition as when you checked it out.
  • You agree to take sole responsibility of the equipment while it is in your possession; any damages and charges incurred as a result of the loan will be chargeable to you,
  • Check in and check out are only available during the standard opening hours of the second floor office. You agree not to book collections or schedule returns outside of these times. Returned loans outside of these hours will be rejected.
  • Returns made after the London IT desk has closed for the day (e.g. laptops forced through the shutters) will not be processed until the following day, which may incur a late fine or warning.
  • You agree not to leave equipment with main reception or security staff out-of-hours, unless this has been  agreed.

Overdue fines and charges

All overdue returns will be subject to a fine, applied directly to the student account. Each item has a daily fine corresponding to its value.

  • Equipment with an initial purchase value of up to £20, the daily fine value is £2.50,
  • Equipment with an initial purchase value of up to £100, the daily fine value is £5,
  • Equipment with an initial purchase value of up to £1000, the daily fine value is £10,
  • Equipment with an initial purchase value over £1000, the daily fine value is £20,